Soapstone Hand-carved African-themed Chess Set

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Our African-themed soapstone chess set is a beauty to behold and a great choice of gift for a chess enthusiast, be it for a kid or an adult


Our Chess sets are meticulously hand-carved by very skilled artisans from high quality Kisii soapstone which is found in the Western part of Kenya. The fine detailed finish on our chess sets are what make our work stand out.


Available in these sizes for the chess board: 10 inches by 10 inches, 12 inches by 12 inches, 14 inches by 14 inches, 16 inches by 16 inches, 18 inches by 18 inches

The chess set pictured is 12 by 12 inches in size


The options available for the soapstone chess sets are: Black and Beige, Pink and Beige and lastly Brown and Beige shades of stone


Our Chess Sets are Made to Order. Each set takes about 3 to 4 weeks to be completed.


The chess set is safely wrapped with bubble wrap to protect them against any breakage while in transit. It is place inside a carton box filled with shredded paper for extra cushioning.


Please bear in mind that soapstone is fragile and should therefore be handled with care. If dropped or knocked over it could crack or break.

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