White and Natural with Black Accents Uru Wall Hanging

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This Wall Hanging is part of our MADE51 Collection, UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)’s global brand of refugee-made products. It’s shaped like a shallow bowl and comes with a hanger on the back to mount on the wall.


As part of MADE51, WomenCraft works with Burundian refugee women who recently returned to their home communities after having spent several years living in refugee camps in Tanzania. Weaving with WomenCraft means that they can continue to generate income and maintain their livelihood as they return to Burundi. This particular Wall Hanging features the Uru design, symbolizing ‘Urugendo', the 'Journey' all refugees make to the camp - most fleeing their homes at night, braving the several day trek to Tanzania on foot crossing forests, rivers and mountains.


For this Wall Hanging, white threads of upcycled “Gunia” grain sacks are intricately woven into the natural grasses. Hung up on a feature wall, this Wall Hanging will add style and character to your home.


Dimensions (W x H x D):
50cm (diameter) + 9cm (depth)

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